The WSUP Drop-In Service

At The Core Of What We Do

Welcome to Woolwich Service Users Project (WSUP). We’re a local charity offering vital support to our community.

No booking or appointment required. Just come along and you’ll receive a warm welcome. We provide a safe, non-judgemental environment where our guests can have access to:

  • hot meals
  • showers
  • haircuts
  • a laundry service
  • a clothing bank

We’re here for those facing poverty, homelessness, addiction, mental illness, or any life challenges. Our doors are open to everyone in our community who needs us.

Find us at:
107 Brookhill Road
SE18 6BJ

Our opening times are:
Monday 10am to 3pm
Tuesday 10am to 2pm
Saturday 10am to 2pm

We partner with external organisations to provide advice and support sessions, and wellbeing activities.

Employment PlusSalvation ArmyFirst Monday of the month
This service offers tailored support to help you become job-ready, get a job and stay in work.
Hepatitis C testing and liver screeningKings College HospitalThird Monday of the month
Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent the Hepatitis C virus from progressing.
Get your liver function checked to see how well your liver is working.
Benefits advice and job supportJobcentre PlusSecond Monday of the month
Advice and guidance on benefits; housing benefit advice and signposting
to relevant organisations; access to basic skills training; job search support; interview skills and help with your CV.
Solidarity PointEmmausEvery Monday
Welfare advice, support with IDs and the opportunity to connect with other services, including healthcare, housing, family mediation and employment.
Drug and alcohol servicesViaEvery Tuesday
Worried about your alcohol or drug use? Meet a Via support worker to talk about your concerns and get the right support.
Homelessness advice and supportRoyal Borough of GreenwichEvery Tuesday
Are you sleeping rough or at risk of homelessness? Get housing advice, and help with completing housing association referral forms and approaching the council’s housing team.
Legal serviceReleaseFirst and third Tuesday of the month
Do you need legal support and representation on issues like homelessness, housing insecurity, debt and drugs? Release can help.
BreathworkFirst and second Tuesday of the month
Breathwork training enables the efficient use of oxygen in your body and brain, boosts your immune system, improves concentration and focus, and enhances sleep.
YogaThird Tuesday of the month
Yoga is a mind and body practice that can build strength and flexibility. It may also help manage pain and reduce stress.
Sonic meditationFourth Tuesday of the month
This practice uses sound to enhance relaxation and create a sense of inner peace and wellbeing.
Alcoholics AnonymousEvery Wednesday
At AA, alcoholics help and support each other.
Welfare and benefits adviceIrish Community ServicesEvery Thursday
Support with filling in council housing and benefit application forms. Open to all but priority is given to Irish people.
Buried in Treasure support groupRoyal Borough of GreenwichFirst Thursday of the month
Do you struggle with clutter in your life? This friendly, supportive, non-judgemental group teaches strategies to help you reclaim space in your home.

Breathwork, yoga and sonic meditation are free to WSUP guests and volunteers, and open to others for a suggested donation of £5 per session.