Woolwich Service Users Project (WSUP) is a grassroots charity that provides practical and emotional support to those seeking help in our community. Our guests are experiencing homelessness, poverty, addiction and other life challenges. This exhibition showcases work created by our talented guests through art therapy workshops with local artists.
Downstairs in the Visitors’ Book Café you’ll find X… hibition. In this project, a partnership with Woolwich Centre Library, WSUP guests explored the theme of democracy with artists Lucia Colella and Trueslate (Instagram: @trueslateart @onmyway.tothetate).
Funded by the Europe Challenge Programme.
Head upstairs to the Coopers Foyer for an array of art using different media and techniques from impasto and sgrafitto to acrylic pouring and stencilling. Led by Stacey Lockelder from HAPPii Art (Instagram @happii_stuff and @snazzii_art), the project focused on the mental health and wellbeing of WSUP guests. The art was built by guests reflecting on how they felt that day, often writing negative thoughts and feelings onto the canvas and then painting over those with positive affirmations and self-love quotes.
Funded by the Community Organisations Cost of Living Fund delivered by the National Lottery Community Fund.